How to use a pre-built dashboard with the Azion plugin on Grafana

With the Azion data source plugin on Grafana, you can customize your own dashboard to visualize the data you need.

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Using the pre-built dashboard on Grafana

After installing a Grafana instance locally on your machine and authorizing the Azion plugin, open it.

Follow the next steps:

  1. On the left-side menu, on the Administration dropdown menu, select Plugins.
  2. On the Search box, type Azion.
  3. Select the Azion card.
  4. Click the Create an Azion data source button.

A new page opens to configure your data source.

On the Settings tab:

  1. On Name, give a descriptive name to your data source.
  2. On Personal Token, add the token you’ve created on the Personal Tokens page on Azion Console.
  3. Click Save & test. Grafana will run a quick test to see if your authentication is correct.

On the Dashboards tab:

  1. Select the Data Transferred dashboard option.
  2. Click the Import button.

The pre-built dashboard is imported to your account. To access it:

  1. On the left-side menu, click Dashboards.
  2. Select the Data Transferred dashboard option from the list under General.

You’ll automatically be able to view and analyze the Edge Application Data Transferred data from Real-Time Metrics. You can also save this dashboard as a copy on Dashboard Settings and edit it as you wish, without losing the original view.

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