How to access Billing and Subscriptions

Billing and Subscriptions provides a comprehensive view of your usage-based pricing model, as well as the products your account is subscribed to.

To access Billing and Subscriptions:

  1. Access Azion Console.
  2. On the upper-right corner of the page, select the avatar menu. This is the Account menu.
  3. Select Billing & Subscriptions.

You’ll find four tabs: Bills, Payment Methods, Payment History, and Subscriptions.


To view the charges of your account:

  1. Under Month, select the dropdown menu.
  2. Choose the month/year from which you want to view charges.
  3. Click the Filter button.

Payment Methods

To add a new payment method:

  1. Click the Add payment method button.
  2. On Card holder name, write the name of the owner of the credit card.
  3. On Card number, add the number of the credit card.
  4. On Expiration date, add the date of expiration exhibited on your credit card.
  5. On Security code (CVC), add the number of CVC exhibited on your credit card.
  6. Optionally, check the Set as default box.
  7. Click the Save button.

Alternatively, you can click the Add Credit button to define a specific amount to be credited to your account.

Payment History

Click the payment you want to view more information on to find details of the charges.


You’ll find seven sections: Edge Application, Edge Firewall, Edge Functions, Edge Routing, Edge Analytics, Edge Orchestration, and Support.

To subscribe to a product, enable the switch next to the desired product.

To unsubscribe to a product, disable the switch next to the desired product.
