Azion Templates


Azion Templates are pre-built and pre-configured projects designed to quickly create and deploy new edge applications attending to a variety of use cases. These templates work seamlessly with Azion Edge Platform, enabling developers to take advantage of the benefits of edge computing for their applications, such as low latency, global delivery, enhanced security, and a high level of performance.

By using templates, you also obtain accelerated development, more consistency, implementation of best practices, scalability, improved workflow, and more time to innovate and boost your user experience.

Azion MarketplaceGet to know Azion’s digital catalog.
Start with a templateStep-by-step on how to use and deploy Azion Templates.
Azion Templates guidesFind the dedicated guide for each template.
Marketplace Sellers GuideCheck the basics for ISVs who want to have their applications integrated and distributed via Azion Marketplace.

Azion Templates are available via Azion Console, Azion’s configuration interface. Customers can select the desired template, complete the setup, and start the deployment.

The execution of these templates involves:

  • Edge application creation: an edge application is set up on Azion’s platform, enabling the management of all your settings.
  • Domain setup: a new Azion domain is configured to provide access to your edge application. You can also add a custom domain to this edge application.
  • Configurations setup: defined according to the use case, to ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Edge function creation: some cases include the creation of an edge function, providing the arguments with the custom logic and the required dependencies.
  • GitHub repository creation: this repository contains all the files related to the template, including the edge function, an action to enable continuous deployment workflow, and trackable deployment history.

Once the template is deployed, you also have full control over customizing all settings at any time you need.

Main configurations and characteristics

Section titled Main configurations and characteristics

After selecting a template that matches your needs, you only have to complete a few steps to quickly deploy the template to the edge through Azion Console, Azion’s configuration interface. With this, you don’t need to start from scratch and can have a project running in a few minutes.

Azion Templates enable the automation of creating new edge applications, reducing development errors, saving time, ensuring consistency, and offering the opportunity to test edge capabilities.

After deployment, an edge application, an edge function, and a GitHub repository are created, including some initial configurations to run the template. This architecture allows an efficient management and continuous deployment workflow.

By using these templates, the applications run on the Azion Edge Platform, taking advantage of a distributed network to accelerate delivery and a use safer environment. Being part of the Azion’s platform, you can also benefit from using other Azion products to enhance your applications.

You can update and customize your application settings via Azion Console as well as add a custom domain for users to access your edge application through it. Additionally, the GitHub repository includes a GitHub Action that you’re able to activate and enable continuous deployment and integration between your repository and Azion’s platform.

Some templates work with third-party tools to provide a more comprehensive and modern solution. Using this type of template will require compliance with certain requirements such as creating an account or initial setup. In some cases, this integration could generate cost by usage.

go to the templates guides

Azion Templates offer solutions for different scenarios and use cases, including:

Acceleration of framework adoption

Section titled Acceleration of framework adoption

Expedite your adoption of popular development frameworks. These templates provide pre-designed components and structures to use as a starting point, reducing development time and running directly on the edge of the network.

The Azion Angular Boilerplate provides an automation solution to build an Angular Single-Page Application (SPA) and run it directly on the edge of the network.

go to the Angular Boilerplate guide

The Azion Astro Boilerplate encapsulates and automates several steps, from repository management to edge deployment, to build an Astro Single-Page Application (SPA) that runs directly on the edge.

go to the Astro Boilerplate guide

This template helps you build a Single-Page Application (SPA) based on the Gatsby framework and run it directly on the edge of the network.

go to the Gatsby Boilerplate guide

Hexo Boilerplate allows you to build and run a Hexo Single-Page Application (SPA) directly on the edge by automating several steps, from repository management to edge deployment.

go to the Hexo Boilerplate guide

The Next.js App + Configurations template provides a quick start to build a Next.js application with custom configurations and App Router to run it directly on the edge.

go to the Next.js App + Configurations template guide

Next.js App + Configurations + Turso

Section titled Next.js App + Configurations + Turso

Build a Next.js application with custom configurations, App Router, and integration with a Turso Database.

go to the Next.js App + Configurations + Turso template guide

The Next.js App + Middleware accelerates the deployment of a Next.js application with custom configurations, App Router, and a middleware to run it directly on the edge.

go to the Next.js App + Middleware template guide

Next.js Pages + Configurations

Section titled Next.js Pages + Configurations

The Next.js Pages + Configurations template enables you to quickly deploy a Next.js application with Pages Router and custom configurations.

go to the Next.js Pages + Configurations template guide

The Next.js Pages + Middleware template enables you to quickly deploy a Next.js application with Pages Router, a middleware, and custom configurations.

go to the Next.js Pages + Middleware template guide

The Azion Next.js Static Boilerplate enables the creation and deployment of a Next.js Single-Page Application (SPA) directly on the edge of the network. By executing the boilerplate, several steps are automated, from repository management to edge deployment.

go to the Next.js Static Boilerplate guide

The Azion React Boilerplate helps you build a React Single-Page Application (SPA) directly on the edge by executing the boilerplate. Several steps are automated, from repository management to edge deployment.

go to the React Boilerplate guide

The Azion Vue Boilerplate provides an automation solution to build a Vue Single-Page Application (SPA) directly on the edge of the network, encapsulating and automating several steps, from repository management to edge deployment.

go to the Vue Boilerplate guide

The Vue3/Vite Boilerplate accelerates the deployment of an application based on these frameworks directly on the edge.

go to the Vue3/Vite Boilerplate guide

Simplified content creation with performance and SEO optimization

Section titled Simplified content creation with performance and SEO optimization

Use templates to handle the initial setup and technical aspects of your project while you focus on creating quality content and optimizing your performance for search engines.

WordPress InstaCreator enables the automated creation of a WordPress project from scratch, including configurations to optimize your website’s performance.

By employing WordPress and Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, you can implement a new project in the Azion Edge Platform and manage and run it on the edge.

go to the WordPress InstaCreator guide

WordPress EdgeAccelerator helps you to migrate your WordPress website to run on the edge of the network. It creates a new Azion edge application and domain and also defines some key configurations to successfully deploy and implement the project.

go to the WordPress EdgeAccelerator guide

This template contains the configurations to create a new blog page based on the Astro framework. After the deployment, you can interact with the default posts and interface that already exist in this template and customize them.

go to the Astro Blog Starter Kit guide

This template contains the configurations to create a new blog page based on the Gatsby framework. After the deployment, you can interact with the default posts and interface that already exist in this template and customize them.

go to the Gatsby Blog Starter Kit guide

Hyper-personalization, real-time interactions, and content delivery

Section titled Hyper-personalization, real-time interactions, and content delivery

Deliver personalized and real-time content experiences and interactions for individual users, based on aspects such as geolocation or specific actions.

Upstash GeoLocation EdgeDeploy

Section titled Upstash GeoLocation EdgeDeploy

The Upstash GeoLocation EdgeDeploy template is an automation designed to deploy a database directly on the edge while enabling the configuration of custom messages that will be delivered according to the user’s geographical location.

go to the Upstash GeoLocation EdgeDeploy guide

Distributed workflows and edge orchestration

Section titled Distributed workflows and edge orchestration

Easily manage complex workflows through standardized processes to ensure consistent execution across distributed and serverless environments.

The QStash EdgeFunction Scheduler template sets up and manages a custom edge function, which receives a user-configured schedule and dispatches it through QStash.

go to the QStash EdgeFunction Scheduler guide

Test the edge capabilities and explore Azion’s Edge Computing Platform deploying these templates attending to different needs.

Azion Starter Kit is ideal for taking your first steps within Azion Edge Platform. With this template, you can accelerate the creation of a basic edge stack to explore the platform and its features.

go to the Azion Starter Kit guide

Edge Function GitHub AutoDeploy

Section titled Edge Function GitHub AutoDeploy

This template allows you to deploy edge functions integrated with GitHub Actions directly on the edge of the network.

go to the Edge Function GitHub AutoDeploy guide

The Azion Hello World template deploys an edge application that prints a Hello, World! message in your browser. You can use it as a starting point to become familiar with the Azion Edge Platform and its edge computing capabilities.

go to the Hello World template guide

The Static Cache template includes configurations that optimize the delivery and performance of static content, such as JavaScript, CSS, and other static files. These configurations use advanced cache key rules that are applied through Rules Engine for Edge Application.

go to the Static Cache template guide

Image Optimization includes configurations for enhancing image loading and caching based on file extension. These configurations use advanced cache key rules that are applied through Rules Engine for Edge Application.

go to the Image Optimization template guide

Edge Application Proxy includes configurations that add a layer of engine rules to ignore all cache settings for a specific URL route. These configurations use a standard rule based on criteria and behaviors applied through Rules Engine for Edge Application.

go to the Edge Application Proxy template guide

Dynamic and Static File Optimization

Section titled Dynamic and Static File Optimization

The Dynamic and Static File Optimization template contains standard cache policies and settings to improve the delivery and performance of static and dynamic content, as well as images, based on the file extension of the requested content. Additionally, it also enables image processing and optimization. This way, you can deliver your content using Azion as a CDN.

go to the Dynamic and Static File Optimization template guide

The HTMX Boilerplate template facilitates you to deploy and test a minimal example of the HTMX library in Azion Edge Platform.

go to the HTMX Boilerplate guide

Deploy an application integrated with a database to run directly on the Azion’s edge and benefit from edge computing capabilities.

The MongoDB Atlas Boilerplate allows you to deploy an application integrated with MongoDB Atlas on the edge. Besides, due to the integration with the Atlas Data API, you’re able to create, retrieve, update, and delete items in your collections through standard HTTPS requests.

go to the MongoDB Atlas Boilerplate guide

This boilerplate allows you to deploy a database directly on the Azion Edge Platform. The template includes the creation of a static interface to facilitate you to create, retrieve, update, and delete items in your collections.

go to the Fauna Boilerplate guide

Accelerate the integration of a Turso database, created using Turso’s LibSQL SDK, into an edge function. It also provides an interface to easily create, update, and delete items in your database.

go to the Turso Starter Kit guide

Employ rules and capabilities that help to control and manage incoming traffic and, this way, ensure a more efficient resource allocation and safer environment for your applications.

The Upstash Rate Limiting template helps you to implement rate limiting in a serverless environment, without requiring extensive manual setup. This template includes configurations for limiting requests and window limit and works in conjunction with Azion Edge Functions.

go to the Upstash Rate Limiting guide

Deploy a template integrated with Azion Bot Manager and other configurations to protect your applications from various threats.

The Bot Manager Starter Kit template deploys an entirely new edge stack to enable customers to see the Bot Manager in action.

go to the Bot Manager Starter Kit guide

The Bot Manager Integration Kit template provides an easy way to integrate the Bot Manager function in an existent edge firewall on Azion.

go to the Bot Manager Integration Kit guide

Bot Manager and TOR Block Starter Kit

Section titled Bot Manager and TOR Block Starter Kit

The Bot Manager and TOR Block Starter Kit template enables you to deploy a basic security suite to protect your domains from bad bots and Tor Exit Nodes requests.

go to the Bot Manager and TOR Block Starter Kit guide
