How to deploy the Dynamic and Static File Optimization template


The Dynamic and Static File Optimization template contains standard cache policies and settings to improve the delivery and performance of static and dynamic content, as well as images, based on the file extension of the requested content. Additionally, it also enables image processing and optimization. This way, you can deliver your content using Azion as a CDN.

By deploying this template, the platform creates a new edge application including all the caching rules and settings. Afterward, you can link your origin with the Azion application to start using this set of rules with your content and deliver it on the edge.

To use this template, you must activate:

Application Accelerator

Image Processor

You need to enable these modules via Azion Console. To do so:

  1. Access Console > Account menu.
  2. Select the Billing & Subscriptions option.
  3. Select the Subscriptions tab.
  4. Activate the switch for each module.

To use this template, access Azion Console and select the Start with a template option on the homepage.

This will open a new page where you can select the Dynamic and Static File Optimization card.

Once you’re on the template’s page, click the Settings tab to open the configuration form and provide the information to configure your application.

Fields identified with an asterisk are mandatory.

  • Application Name *: the name of your edge application on Azion.
    • Use a unique and easy-to-remember name. If the name has already been used, the platform returns an error message.
  • Origin Address *: the address of the hosted origin the edge application should fetch the original content from.
    • Example:
  • Custom Host Header: in some cases, it may be necessary to override the value of the Host header request in the request to retrieve information from the origin. Set a value for the Host header in this field.
    • Use the ${host} variable to retrieve the Host value from the request URI. Read more about the Host Header and how to customize it on the Origins documentation.

After completing all the information, click the Next button, located in the bottom-right corner. This will start the deployment process.

You can follow the deployment process through a window showing off the logs. When it’s complete, the deployment page appears, confirming the edge application has been successfully created.

This page shows you the following sections:

  • Access your Edge Application section includes the Azion domain to visit and explore your edge application.
  • Build Summary contains the application’s name and function.
  • The Deployment details tab can be opened to access the logs related to the deployment.
  • What do you want to do next? provides recommendations regarding advanced options to enhance your edge application: Customize Domain, Manage Edge Application, View Edge Application Metrics, View Edge Application Logs, and the Back to Home button.

Now you can manage and adjust the settings through Azion Console.

The deployed edge application includes the following rules and settings:

  • Criteria: if ${uri} starts with /.
  • Behavior: then Set Origin as Default Origin.
  • For image optimization and caching, the file extensions that can be enhanced with these configurations are .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .ico, .gif, .png.
  • For static content, the template supports the common static file extensions.
  • Additionally, the template:
    • Respects the origin’s cache settings (or uses a default TTL for cache).
    • Provides rules that alter caching settings for static files based on the file extension of the requested content to improve the delivery.

Considering that this initial setup may not be optimal for your specific edge application, all settings can be customized any time you need through Azion Console.

To manage and edit your edge application’s settings, proceed as follows:

  1. Access Azion Console > Edge Application.
  • You’ll be redirected to the Edge Application page. It lists all the edge applications you’ve created.
  1. Select the edge application related to this template.
  • The list is organized alphabetically. You can also use the search bar located in the upper-left corner of the list; currently, it filters only by Application Name.

After selecting the edge application you’ll work on, you’ll be directed to a page containing all the settings you can configure.

The edge application created during the deployment has an assigned Azion domain to make it accessible through the browser. The domain has the following format: However, you can add a custom domain for users to access your edge application through it.

go to configuring a domain guide
