Release notes

October 18, 2024

Azion Copilot

Azion Copilot is an AI-powered assistant integrated directly into Azion Console. Customers can use it to resolve issues or get answers to queries, with immediate, context-driven responses based on Azion’s knowledge base. This new capability simplifies tasks for users of all skill levels, making it easier to use Azion’s products and improving their workflow.

Additionally, Copilot runs directly on Azion’s distributed edge platform, ensuring fast processing and leveraging edge-native products, such as Edge Application, Edge Functions, and EdgeSQL, for optimal performance.

To test the new Azion Copilot, access Azion Console.

October 9, 2024

Azion CLI

Version 2.0

The latest version of Azion CLI introduces synchronized deployment. By running the azion deploy command, you’ll be redirected to the Azion Console, where you can monitor your application’s deployment logs in real time.

Additionally, this release includes several improvements for user experience and messages.

Read more about Azion CLI and its commands.

September 30, 2024


Azion Templates

Azion launched a number of new templates which you can use to deploy an online resume or an e-commerce website on the web.

For creating an online resume, you can choose from the following templates:

For creating an e-commerce, you can choose from templates based on popular web frameworks:

September 12, 2024


Add Request ID integration

The new Add Request ID integration enables you to add an additional header in the incoming request object, assigning a unique identifier to each HTTP request attended by Azion Edge Platform.

This identifier facilitates you in tracking and identifying individual requests, as well as allows you to analyze logs and identify issues.

Check the how-to guide to learn more about it.

September 9, 2024

Deploy button

Now you can deploy on the edge faster. This one-click integration allows you to start application deployments directly from any webpage, documentation, or GitHub repository by simply clicking the Deploy button, simplifying your workflows and speeding up your time-to-market with Azion.

September 2, 2024


The new connectedUsersMetrics dataset is available in the Real-Time Metrics GraphQL API. Through this dataset, you can get real-time aggregated data, provided by Azion Live Ingest, related to the number of users connected to your applications with live streamings.

Find out more on Real⁠-⁠Time Metrics GraphQL API Fields and learn How to query Connected Users data with GraphQL API.

August 30, 2024

Account policies

Conditional Access by IP Address Policy

Now you can create a Conditional Access by IP Address policy, allowing access to your resources based on specific IP addresses, ensuring that only devices accessing from these addresses can reach the platform.

Check the how-to guide to get more details.

User Session Timeout Policy

The User Session Timeout policy allows you to define a maximum idle time, ensuring that sessions are automatically terminated after a period of inactivity. It also allows you to define a maximum session time to avoid sessions staying open indefinitely.

Check the reference to understand it better and the guide on how to configure it.

Account Lockout Policy

The Account Lockout policy is now available on Azion’s platform, protecting accounts from unauthorized access. If a user repeatedly enters the wrong password, exceeding the maximum allowed number of failed login attempts, the user account will be temporarily locked to prevent further attempts.

Read more about the Account Lockout Policy and how to configure it.


Microsoft Entra as IdP and Automated user provisioning integration

Using Microsoft Entra Identity Provider (IdP), you can authorize single sign-on (SSO) to access other sites or services, such as Azion. Your users can continue using their corporate user identities without remembering a specific password or entering credentials each time they access Azion’s platform.

Check the How to use Microsoft Entra custom SAML app as an IdP for Azion guide.

Additionally, with Microsoft Entra, you can enable Automated User Provisioning to streamline identity and access management by automatically creating, updating, and deleting user accounts across applications based on changes in Microsoft Entra ID. These changes are reflected on Azion’s platform users and teams, once the feature is enabled. The automation uses the SCIM protocol, making the provisioning process both scalable and secure.

Read more on this topic in the documentation.

August 6, 2024

Edge Application

Image Processor

The Image Processor module can now process images in the AVIF format, which provides superior compression and quality compared to other formats like WEPB, JPEG or PNG.

Read more about Image Processor.

July 29, 2024


Azion Templates

Azion extends support for the Docusarurus framework with a new template, covering more use cases:

July 24, 2024


Azion Templates

You can now deploy a basic static project based on the Docusaurus framework on Azion. This framework is ideal for documentation features and other cases, including website, product pages, blog, and landing pages.

To do so, you have two new boilerplates to accelerate your development process:

July 16, 2024


Azion Templates

The two new Azion Templates allow you to quickly and easily deploy a static project based on VitePress on the edge. VitePress, a static site generator built on top of Vite and Vue.js, is ideal for creating documentation websites. It features a markdown-based content system, a built-in theming system, and fast hot module replacement.

Read more in the documentation:

July 10, 2024


Azion Templates

The Hugo Boilerplate is available now. With this template, you can start a project using the Hugo framework and deploy it to the edge in a few steps.

Hugo is a fast and flexible static site generator written in Go. It allows users to create websites from plain text files using various markup formats, using a simple templating system that enables you to customize the look and feel of your site. It supports content management, multilingual sites, and various content types, being ideal for blogs, landing pages, documentation sites, portfolios, and more.

Check the How to deploy the Hugo Boilerplate guide for more details.

July 8, 2024

Real-Time Metrics

Real-Time Metrics REST APIs

Access to the Real-Time Metrics REST APIs has been discontinued and deprecated. As a result, the and endpoints are no longer available. To perform data queries and analyze your application’s activity, you can access:

  • Real-Time Metrics GraphQL API, which provides aggregated metrics in real time.
  • Real-Time Events GraphQL API, which provides raw logs in real time.

Read more about GraphQL API and the First Steps to start using it.

June 19, 2024

Edge SQL

Azion Edge SQL REST API is now available in Preview. This API allows you to create, read, update, delete, and list Edge SQL databases, a database product, distributed on the edge, fully ACID compliant, and using the SQLite dialect.

Get to know more about Azion Edge SQL and the Edge SQL API.

June 14, 2024


Azion Bot Manager Lite

The Bot Manager Lite 0.1.4 version is now available. It includes the new should_write_warning_logs variable to define whether the function will write warning logs to Real-Time Events.

To read more about Bot Manager Lite features and variables, check the How to install Azion Bot Manager Lite from Azion Marketplace and How to update an integration guides.

June 7, 2024


Azion Templates

Azion lauched two new boilerplates to accelerate the application development.

  • The Svelte Boilerplate streamlines the deployment of a static application based on the Svelte framework, directly on the edge of the network, accelerating and automating the overall process. Check the how-to guide for more details.
  • The Jekyll Boilerplate deploys a project based on Jekyll, a framework written in Ruby, that enables you to create static sites using Markdown and HTML files. Read the How to deploy the Jekyll Boilerplate guide.

Read more about Azion Templates.


Announcing two new features:

  • --no-color: it’s a global flag that indicates the output to not use colors. Check more on the documentation.
  • reset: with this command, you can reset your Azion CLI settings to default and delete the personal token if possible. Check more on the documentation.

Read more about Azion CLI and its commands.

May 23, 2024

Azion CLI

You can now generate and manage Let’s Encrypt digital certificates within your domain via CLI. To do so, check the digital-certificate-id command documentation.

Additionally, you can now schedule the deletion of an Edge Storage bucket with objects inside by using the --force flag:

  • If you try to delete a bucket with objects inside, the platform will delete everything and schedule the bucket to be deleted after 24 hours (the time needed to delete a bucket after it’s emptied).
  • Next time you run a command after 24 hours, the deletion will be executed.

Read more about Azion CLI and its commands.

May 14, 2024

Azion CLI

Announcing new features:

  • Output Export: all CRUD commands now support the --out flag, allowing output export to JSON, TOML, and YAML files.
  • Environment Variables Dump: you can now dump all environment variables using the azion list variables --dump command.
  • CLI Control File Updates: updates to the CLI control file (azion.json).
  • Enhanced Deployment Information: improvement on the information provided to the user during deployment. This includes changes in names, the actual name used in the created resource, and more.

Get to know Azion CLI and its commands.

May 2, 2024


Azion Templates

New 11ty-based templates are now available in Azion Console, including a starter kit and options to build blogs, landing pages, photo galleries, and more.

Read how to start your Azion journey with a template.

April 29, 2024

Improved GitHub Integration

With the new GitHub Integration, you can import your Jamstack projects including dozens of supported frameworks such as Next.js, Astro, and Svelte from your own GitHub repository, boosting your productivity.

Check the How to import an existing project from GitHub and deploy it guide for further details.


Azion Templates

Additionally, you can find 18 new templates based on the Astro official repository, including quickstart samples of integrations between Astro and other frameworks (Alpine, React, Vue, and others), or a template to build your changelog website in just a few clicks.

Read how to start your Azion journey with a template.

April 12, 2024


Azion Templates

Two new templates are now available:

  • Azion Starter Kit: it’s ideal for taking your first steps within Azion Edge Platform. With this template, you can accelerate the creation of a basic edge stack to explore the platform and its features, including performance and security configurations to enhance and protect your application.
  • HTMX Boilerplate: this template facilitates you to deploy and test a minimal example of the HTMX library in Azion Edge Platform.

Read more about Azion Templates.

Azion CLI

Purge operations support is now available in Azion CLI, allowing effective cache management through URLs, wildcards, and cache-key options. This enhancement enables precise and efficient cache management.

Read more about the Purge command.

April 9, 2024

Azion CLI

Remote Repository Link feature available. It provides developers with a tool that significantly improves efficiency, team collaboration, and the speed of application development.

Read more about Azion CLI and its commands.

April 5, 2024


Azion Templates

Azion has developed new templates, expanding the catalog that already addresses different use cases. This new release includes:

  • Next.js App + Configurations: it offers you a quick start to build a Next.js application with custom configurations and App Router to run it directly on the edge.
  • Next.js App + Middleware: it accelerates the deployment of a Next.js application with custom configurations, App Router, and a middleware to run it directly on the edge.
  • Next.js Pages + Configurations: this template enables you to quickly deploy a Next.js application with Pages Router and custom configurations.
  • Next.js Pages + Middleware: this template enables you to quickly deploy a Next.js application with Pages Router, a middleware, and custom configurations.
  • Turso Starter Kit: with this template, you can integrate a Turso database, created using Turso’s LibSQL SDK, into an edge function. It also provides an interface to easily create, update, and delete items in your database.
  • Gatsby Boilerplate: it accelerates the deployment of an edge application based on the Gatsby framework and run it directly on the edge of the network.
  • Gatsby Blog Starter Kit: this template includes the configurations to create a new blog page based on the Gatsby framework. After the deployment, you can interact with the default posts and interface and customize them.

Additionally, the Next.js Static Boilerplate was update to version 14.1.4.

Read more about Azion Templates.

April 4, 2024

Edge Storage and CLI

Introducing CRUD functionalities for Edge Storage via CLI, allowing management of your buckets and objects. It includes:

  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations directly through CLI.
  • Full API compatibility, ensuring a smooth workflow.

Get to know Azion CLI and its commands.

March 15, 2024


Azion Templates

Azion launched the Vue3/Vite Boilerplate. It accelerates the deployment of an application based on these frameworks directly on the edge.

Check the How to deploy edge applications with the Vue3/Vite Boilerplate guide for more details.

Azion Integrations

A new integration is available at Azion Marketplace: Upstash Rate Limiting. It allows you to control incoming traffic right at the edge of the network, avoiding bottlenecks, managing traffic spikes, and protecting your applications from potential threats.

With this integration, based on an edge function and integrated with the upstash/ratelimit library, you can define: limiting requests, window limit, and a penalty configuration that analyzes the validity of each request.

Find out more on the documentation to install and configurate Upstash Rate Limiting.

March 12, 2024

Product Naming Update

There’ve been updates to the names of a few Azion Products. See the list of the new and former names:

  • Edge Cache (former Edge Caching)
  • Tiered Cache (former L2 Caching)
  • Application Accelerator (former Application Acceleration)
  • Edge DNS (former Intelligent DNS)
  • Data Stream (former Data Streaming)

No changes have been made to the functionality of the products.

March 11, 2024

Digital Certificates

mTLS Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL)

Digital Certificates now supports the management of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) through Azion API. CRL is a list of digital certificates revoked before their expiration date.

Use the Azion API to manage CRLs and see the Digital Certificates reference for more information.

March 8, 2024


Azion Templates

Azion launched the Astro Blog Starter Kit. This template contains the configurations to create a new blog page based on the Astro framework. After the deployment, you can interact with the default posts and interface that already exist in this template and customize them.

Check the How to deploy an Astro blog using a template guide for more details.

March 7, 2024

Azion Console

Azion Console, the new Azion’s web interface, is now available for new accounts and users with Developer plan to experience the integration of a user-friendly redesign and a fully decoupled UI-API.

This interface was designed to streamline the development of products, features, and UX improvements, while enhancing your interaction with Azion’s products and services. It includes the same features available in the previous interface, Real-Time Manager (RTM).

Explore the Azion Console.

The goal is to migrate the current user base to Console by the end of 2024. During this transition, Real-Time Manager (RTM) will be available for customers with other Service Plans and the team will continue maintaining and providing support to it.

February 29, 2024


Azion Bot Manager Lite

Azion Bot Manager Lite v0.1.3 is now available in Marketplace. This version introduces:

  • An updated name (formerly Azion Bot Protection).
  • New actions: custom_html, hold_connection, random_delay, and redirect.
  • SIEM integration with Azion observability tools.

Check the How to install Azion Bot Manager Lite guide for more information.

Azion Templates

New templates were launched to accelerate the implementation of Azion Bot Manager Lite:

February 26, 2024


Azion Templates

Dynamic and Static File Optimization

The new Dynamic and Static File Optimization template is now availbale on Azion’s platform. With this template, you can deploy an edge application containing standard cache policies and settings to improve the delivery and performance of static and dynamic content, as well as images, based on the file extension of the requested content. It also enables image processing and optimization.

Check more details on the How to deploy the Dynamic and Static File Optimization template guide and the Azion Templates reference.

February 20, 2024



New serverProtocol field

The new serverProtocol field is available in the Real-Time Metrics GraphQL API through the httpMetrics datatset. It can also be queried through Real-Time Metrics in Real-Time Manager as Server Protocol.

This field informs the version of the request protocol used. Find out more on Real⁠-⁠Time Metrics GraphQL API Fields and in the How to add filters on Real⁠-⁠Time Metrics guide.

Selected fields limit

The new limit for selected fields in the Real-Time Metrics GraphQL API and the Real-Time Events GraphQL API is 37 fields per query.

Find out more on GraphQL API limits.

January 30, 2024

Edge Storage REST API

Edge Storage is a scalable and flexible data storage solution that stores data as discrete objects, each containing its own data, associated metadata, and a unique identifier. This solution now comes equipped with access to the Azion Edge Storage REST API, providing high scalability, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness for various unstructured data storage needs.

See more details on the Edge Storage documentation, the API documentation, and the following guides:

January 12, 2024


Upstash Waiting Room

The new Upstash Waiting Room integration uses a First-In, First-Out (FIFO) approach and leverages on Azion Edge Firewall, creating a waiting room to control and redirect access according to your parameters. This way, you can manage traffic surges and prevent overload on your websites and applications

Check the how-to guide for more information.

December 22, 2023



The new Fingerprint integration enables you to capture device and network data to better identify devices accessing your applications.

This integration includes two features:

  • A browser-level script (optional) to capture the browser data and set it as a session cookie.
  • An edge function (mandatory) to capture connection-related data as well as the “frontend fingerprint” (created by the browser script) to create the session fingerprint.

The collected data is used to generate a unique identifier and add it as a request header in other integrations and use cases.

Read the How to install the Fingerprint integration through Azion Marketplace guide for more details.

Azion Templates

Azion lauched new templates attending to different use cases, including:

  • Framework adoption: Hexo and Next.js Static Boilerplate.
  • Edge capabilities: Hello World, Edge Function GitHub AutoDeploy, Static Cache, Image Optimization, and Edge Application Proxy.
  • Database integration: MongoDB Atlas Boilerplate and Fauna Boilerplate.

See more details on the Azion Templates reference and First Steps.

December 12, 2023

Professional Services

Enterprise and Mission Critical Service Plans now have available Managed Configurations Service packages. These packages provide comprehensive management and control over Azion customers’ configurations, ensuring optimal performance, security, and compliance.

This way, the Azion team’s experienced engineers take care of the day-to-day tasks of configuring and remediating the configurations, freeing up your time to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Check more about these Profesional Services, on the website or the documentation.

December 1, 2023

Faster propagation times

Increases the speed of the execution and load times when creating, updating, and deleting instances in Edge Application, Edge Firewall, and WAF. This optimization was implemented to shorten the propagation time of changes made on the edge, allowing users to get the latest version of applications in a shorter span of time.

Edge Application


Increased Digital Certificates API Rate-Limit

Avoids request throttling when uploading multiple certificates within a short span of time.

New fields in Digital Certificates API

  • azion_information shows details from the Azion certificate management tool for Let’s Encrypt certificates.
  • is_waiting_domain indicates if the certificate is waiting for the domain’s DNS configuration.

Edge Firewall

Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor bugs in Network Lists.

Azion CLI

Version 1.1

New version of the Azion CLI integrated with Azion Bundler, a dev tool for building, running locally, and deploying static javascript-based frameworks, such as:

  • Next
  • React
  • Vue
  • Angular
  • Astro
  • Hexo
  • Vite


Login and Logout

Adds login and logout commands. For detailed information run:

Terminal window
azion login -h
azion logout -h

Management commands

Adds management commands for the following products and features:

  • Edge Applications
  • Edge Functions
  • Origins
  • Domains
  • Rules Engine
  • Cache Settings
  • Personal Tokens

Usage of the new commands is described in the Azion CLI documentation or via the azion -h command.

Edge Functions


Node.js APIs in Edge Functions

Adds compatibility with Node.js async_hooks:

Real-Time Events GraphQL API


New Activity History fields

Eight new fields are available to query on the Activity History dataset:

  • refererHeader
  • remotePort
  • resourceId
  • resourceType
  • requestData
  • userAgent
  • userId
  • userIp

See more details on the Real-Time Events GraphQL API Fields reference documentation.

Real-Time Metrics


General Availability Release Stage

Real-Time Metrics is now available in General Availability and can be used according to Azion Terms of Services.

See the Real-Time Metrics documentation for more information.


Azion Templates

Now Azion offers templates to speed up your workflow. These templates are pre-built and pre-configured projects designed to create and deploy new edge applications attending to different use cases, including:

  • Framework adoption: Angular, React, Vue, and Astro.
  • Content creation and SEO optimization: WordPress InstaCreator and WordPress EdgeAccelerator.
  • Hyper-personalization, real-time interactions, and content delivery: Upstash GeoLocation EdgeDeploy and ChatGPT Plugin.
  • Distributed workflows and edge orchestration: QStash EdgeFunction Scheduler.
  • Microservices and API usage: Upstash Rate Limiting.

See more details on the Azion Templates reference and First Steps.

October 10, 2023


The new version 1.3.0 reintroduces Edge Application and Rules Engine granular commands, ensuring a seamless experience.

Get to know more about Azion CLI and its commands.

October 4, 2023

Edge Firewall

Customizable Edge Firewall HTTP return code is in General Availability. Now you can set a specific return (status code, content type, and content body) as an Edge Firewall Rules Engine behavior, using SSL status.

Visit the documentation for further details.

October 3, 2023

Service Plans

Announcing the new Azion Service Plans structure, designed to increase value and give more visibility to all the service levels Azion offers.

Now, customers can choose between four different plans the one that meet their needs better:

  • Developer: customers with a Developer profile using the platform for testing or personal purposes.
  • Business: customers running production workloads on Azion.
  • Enterprise: customers who have production or business-critical workloads on Azion.
  • Mission Critical: customers whose online presence is critical and service performance, security, availability, and scalability have a direct impact on the business results.

Each Service Plan provides different levels of Support, Professional Services, Product Features, and Compliance Assets, offering enhanced flexibility to Azion customers to get the best fit, empowering them to succeed and grow.

Get to know Azion Service Plans.

September 25, 2023

Edge Firewall

Rules Engine for Edge Firewall

You can now use the new behavior Set Custom Response, allowing you to customize HTTP headers and status codes.

Read more in the documentation.

September 6, 2023

Edge Application


HTTP/3 support

HTTP/3 support is now compatible with all TLS versions supported by Edge Application.

Rules Engine for Edge Application

You can now insert variables created with Capture Match Groups in the Add Request Header behavior argument.

Check the Capture Match Groups documentation for more details.


The Websocket module is now in General Availability. This module for Edge Application allows you to establish the WebSocket communication protocol between your origin and your users under the reverse proxy architecture.

Go to the Websocket documentation to learn more about the requirements, specifications, and limits.

At the moment, this module is exclusively accessible to subscribers of the Enterprise and Mission Critical Service Plans. Contact the Support team to request access to this module.

DDoS Protection

DDoS Protection is now automatically enabled in all accounts. It offers protection against DoS and DDoS attacks with unmetered bandwidth for all Azion customers.

Get to know more about DDoS Protection.

August 31, 2023


Azion Bot Manager Lite

The Azion Bot Manager Lite integration is now available in the Marketplace, in the Preview stage. The integration uses an Edge Firewall’s edge function to analyze each request; then, it assigns to the request a score based on a set of rules and behaviors. If the score is equal to or greater than the predetermined threshold, the integration can take actions like denying or dropping the request.

Read more on How to install Azion Bot Manager Lite from Azion Marketplace.


Azion now provides a Grafana plugin integration available for local installation. With it, you can use Grafana’s interface to create dashboards and complement your metrics visualization. Your dashboards can be created using GraphQL queries. You can use it to view and create:

  • Top X metrics (such as IP addresses or blocked countries).
  • Security metrics.
  • Customized alerts.
  • Specific status codes.

It queries data from Real-Time Metrics and Real-Time Events, which use the GraphQL APIs.

For more details, check the documentation on How to integrate Azion with Grafana and How to customize a dashboard with the Azion plugin on Grafana.
