How to migrate your application to Azion

This guide provides a step-by-step path for migrating existing applications to Azion. It outlines the necessary requirements and details the steps for a successful transfer of applications from other services to the edge.

Before you begin

Before you migrate applications to Azion, there are two major variables that must exist:

  1. Origin address: the source server of the application. This entry point to the edge takes the form of either a host, an IPv4, or an IPv6 address of a storage service or an existing application.
Go to Origins reference
  1. Delivery domain: the target domain of the application. This output takes the form of an Azion domain, which can be pointed to a custom domain.
Go to Domains reference

Most applications need an origin from which Azion retrieves the content and code that make them up. That application passes through Azion edge nodes for it to be delivered to users through a domain address.

Go to Edge Application overview

Step 1: Create an edge application

You can start by creating an edge application using a basic template. A recommended option is the Hello World template, which uses Edge Functions to run a simple function on the edge.

Go to Templates reference

See the full list of available templates.

Step 2: Test locally

Before fully deploying the application, the recommendation is to stage your application through the hosts file to ensure everything is working correctly. This step helps to identify and address any misconfigurations or issues caused by the migration.

Step 3: Point the domain

The final step to fully migrate your application to Azion is to point your custom domain to the Azion’s edge application. By doing so, you allow users to access your edge application through its domain, reducing latency and processing costs on the origin.

How to point a domain to Azion
