Edge Node

Azion Edge Node enables you to create your own edge infrastructure, allowing you to install services and resources in real time.

It’s an open software that can be run on different types of microprocessor architecture: x86 and ARM, and different sizes of equipment, including:

  • Raspberry PI
  • Network switches
  • SD-WAN routers
  • Corporate servers


Edge NodeEdge Node first steps

Agent commands and options

The Edge Orchestrator agent has additional commands and options to make it easier to use.

--debug or -dSets the agent logs to debug mode.
--help or -hHelps with the commands that the agent can execute.
installInstalls the agent to the client’s device, copies the binary to the installation location; adds the Edge Orchestrator agent to the device’s service manager (if any) and; sets up credentials to authenticate the Edge Node.
start [--foreground]Initializes the Edge Orchestrator agent through the device’s service manager.
Note: the foreground option is used to run it in the foreground.
start -g or --join-groupEnrolls your edge node with the specified groups through the command line while starting your node for the first time. You can use these flags followed by a list of group names separated by a comma.
For example: sudo edge-orchestrator start -g GROUP1,GROUP2,GROUP3 --foreground
start [-n OR --set-name]Enrolls your edge node for the first time under the specified node’s name. If these flags are not used, hostname will be the default value.
For example: sudo edge-orchestrator start -n Edgenodename --foreground
statusReports on the status of the execution of the Edge Orchestrator agent.
stopStops the Edge Orchestrator agent through the device’s service manager.
uninstallUninstalls the agent from the client’s device; removes the binary from the installation location; removes the Edge Orchestrator agent from the device’s service manager (if any).
Note: authentication credentials will remain on the device and can be removed using the Azion control panel.
--version or -vIt displays the installed version of the agent.


To avoid any configuration changes to the resources managed by Orchestrator, the agent provides a feature called Watcher.

It’s a non-manageable feature of the Azion agent that restores any tampered file. It consists of a group of workers that periodically scan all provisioned files looking for any drift—modification or removal—based on the last applied manifest, restoring the desired state, if necessary.

You can verify any action made by Watcher by looking at the logfile /var/log/azion/edge-orchestrator.log.

{"level":"info","time":"2021-09-22T17:31:16Z","message":"finished applying resources for version 3128"}
{"level":"info","time":"2021-09-22T17:31:16Z","message":"apply manifest 3128 finished"}
{"level":"info","time":"2021-09-22T17:31:16Z","message":"watcher: started with period of 60 seconds using 5 workers"}
{"level":"info","time":"2021-09-22T17:32:16Z","message":"watcher: dispatching workers"}
{"level":"info","time":"2021-09-22T17:32:16Z","message":"watcher: dispatched 5 workers"}
{"level":"info","time":"2021-09-22T17:32:16Z","message":"watcher: workers finished"}
{"level":"info","time":"2021-09-22T17:32:16Z","message":"watcher: checked 19576 artifacts, 0 drifted from manifest."}
