Your Settings

On the Your Settings page, you can edit and manage your personal information, preferences, and security settings within Azion Console.

To read about the general information of the account, check the Account Settings page.

  • First name (mandatory): the name you want to be identified by. You can edit your name as you wish.
  • Last name (mandatory): the surname you want to be identified by. You can edit your surname as you wish.
  • Timezone (mandatory): the timezone you want to use on Azion Console data. You can edit it according to your preferences. It will change the time displayed on Console in places such as the Activity History page.

Language: Azion Console is only available in English. You can’t edit this field.

  • Email (mandatory): email used to log in to your Azion Console account.

When changes are made in this field, a confirmation email is sent to your new address. You need to confirm it to apply the changes. You’ll have to use the new email on your next login, even if you log in through Social Login. Your former email address will be available to be used in a new account.

  • Phone (mandatory): phone number you wish to be contacted through. You can edit this field as you wish.

  • Password: the password used to log in to Console. You can redefine it at any time.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): this is an extra layer of security you can activate in your account.

If the main account doesn’t have the MFA enabled and your user has this permission, you can only enable it for use in your login. However, if the MFA is already enabled, you can’t edit this option. See more about it on the Multi-Factor Authentication page.
