Azion CLI list

With the azion list [resource] command you can list your:

Terminal window
azion list edge-application [flags]

The --details flag displays all relevant fields when listing.

The --page option returns a page of the list according to its number. By default, it’s 1.

The --page_size option defines how many items should be returned per page. By default, it’s 10.

The --help option displays more information about the azion list edge-application action.

Terminal window
azion list edge-function

The --details flag displays all relevant fields when listing.

The --filter flag filters items by their name.

The --order-by flag sorts the output based on the selected field.

The --page flag returns a page of the list according to its number. Default is 1.

The --page-size flag defines how many items should be returned per page. Default is 10.

The --sort flag defines the order of the items on the list. The value should be either asc or desc.

The --help option displays more information about the azion list edge-function command.

Terminal window
azion list rules-engine --application-id <application-id> --phase <phase>

The --application-id flag specifies the unique identifier for the edge application that implements these rules.

The --phase flag specifies the Rules Engine phase. It’s either request or response.

The --details flag displays all relevant fields when listing.

The --filter flag filters items by their name.

The --order-by flag sorts the output based on the selected field.

The --page flag returns a specific page of the list according to its number. By default, it’s 1.

The --page-size flag defines how many items should be returned per page. By default, it’s 10.

The --sort flag defines the order of the items on the list and can be set to either asc or desc.

The -h or --help flag displays more information about the azion list rules-engine command.

Terminal window
azion list cache-setting --application-id 16736354321

The --application-id flag sets the unique identifier for the edge application.

The --details flag displays all relevant fields when listing.

The --filter option filters items by their name.

The --help option displays more information about the azion list cache-setting command.

The --order-by option sorts the output based on the selected field.

The --page option returns a page of the list according to its number. The default value is 1.

The --page-size option defines how many items should be returned per page. The default value is 10.

The --sort option defines the order of the items on the list. The value should be either asc or desc.

Displays all your domains.

Terminal window
azion list domain

The --details option displays all relevant fields when listing.

The --filter option filters items by their name.

The --order-by option sorts the output based on the selected field.

The --page option returns a specific page of the list according to its number. The default is 1.

The --page-size option defines how many items should be returned per page. The default is 10.

The --sort option defines the order of the items on the list. Options are asc or desc.

The -h or --help option displays more information about the azion list domain command.

Terminal window
azion list origin --application-id <application-id>

The --application-id flag sets the unique identifier for the edge application. It’s a required field.

The --details flag displays all relevant fields when listing origin.

The --filter flag filters items by their name.

The --order-by flag sorts the output based on the selected field.

The --page flag returns a specific page of the list according to its number. The default is 1.

The --page-size flag defines how many items should be returned per page. The default is 10.

The --sort flag defines the order of the items on the list. The value should be either asc or desc.

The -h or --help option displays more information about the azion list origin action.

Terminal window
azion list variables

The --details option displays all relevant fields when listing.

The --help option displays more information about the list subcommand.

Terminal window
azion list personal-token [flags]

The --details option displays all relevant fields when listing.

The --help option displays more information about the list subcommand.

Terminal window
azion list edge-storage bucket

The --page option returns a page from the list according to its number. The default is 1.

The --page-size option defines how many items should return per page. The default is 10.

The --help option displays more information about the ‘list edge-storage bucket’ command.

Terminal window
azion list edge-storage object --bucket-name 'balde'
azion list edge-storage object --page 1 --page-size 3 --details
azion list edge-storage object --help

The --bucket-name flag specifies the name of the Edge Storage bucket whose objects you want to list.

The --details option outputs all relevant fields when listing objects in Edge Storage.

The -h or --help option displays more detailed information about the azion list edge-storage object command.

The --page-size option defines how many items should be returned per page. The default value is 50.