Azion CLI describe

With the azion describe [resource] command you can describe:

Terminal window
azion describe edge-application --application-id <application_id> [flags]

The --application-id flag specifies the unique identifier of the edge application to display its attributes in detail.

The --format flag changes the output format by passing the json value to the flag.

The --help flag displays more information about the describe command.

The --application-id flag specifies the unique identifier of the edge application.

The --out flag exports the output to the given <file_path/file_name.ext>.

Terminal window
azion describe edge-function --function-id <function_id>

The --function-id flag is the unique identifier of the edge function.

The --format flag changes the output format. Options include json and other supported formats.

The --out flag exports the output to the given <file_path/file_name.ext>.

The --with-code flag displays the edge function’s code; disabled by default.

The --help option displays more information about the azion describe edge-function command.

Terminal window
azion describe rules-engine --application-id <application-id> --rule-id <rule-id> --phase <phase> [--format <format>] [--out <output-file>]

The --application-id flag specifies your edge application ID.

The --rule-id flag specifies your Rules Engine’s rule ID.

The --phase flag specifies the phase of your Rules Engine’s rule. It’s either request or response. The default is request.

The --format flag changes the output format, and you can use json as a value to specify JSON format.

The --out flag exports the output of the command to the given file path, including the file name and extension.

The -h or --help flag displays more information about the azion describe rules-engine command.

Terminal window
azion describe cache-setting --application-id 1673635839 --cache-setting-id 107313

The --application-id flag sets the unique identifier for the edge application.

The --cache-setting-id flag sets the unique identifier for a Cache Settings configuration.

The --format option changes the output format. Pass the value json to the flag to get the output in JSON format.

The --help option displays more information about the azion describe cache-setting command.

The --out option exports the output to the given file path or file name with an extension. Example: --out "./tmp/test.json".

Displays information about the domain via a given ID to show the application’s attributes in detail.

Terminal window
azion describe domain --domain-id 4312

The --domain-id flag specifies the unique identifier of the domain you want to retrieve detailed information from.

The --format option changes the output format. You can pass the value json to the flag to get the output in JSON format.

The --out option exports the output to the given file path and filename with the specified extension.

The -h or --help option displays more information about the azion describe domain command.

Terminal window
azion describe domain --domain-id 1337 --out "./tmp/test.json"
azion describe domain --domain-id 1337 --format json

Terminal window
azion describe origin --application-id <application-id> --origin-key <origin-key>

The --application-id flag sets the unique identifier for an edge application. It’s a mandatory field.

The --origin-key flag sets the unique identifier for an origin. It’s a mandatory field.

The --format flag changes the output format. Pass the value json to the flag to get the output in JSON format.

The --out flag exports the output to the given file path or filename with extension.

The -h or --help option displays more information about the azion describe origin action.

Terminal window
azion describe variables --variable-id 1673635839

The --variable-id flag gives the UUID for the variable being described.

The --out option exports the output of the describe command to a given filepath.

The --format option, followed by the value json, changes the output format to JSON.

The --help option displays more information about the azion describe variables command.

Terminal window
azion describe edge-storage objects --bucket-name 'asdf' --object-key 'test.json'
azion describe edge-storage objects --bucket-name 'asdf' --object-key 'test.json' --format json
azion describe edge-storage objects --bucket-name 'asdf' --object-key 'test.json' --out './tmp/test.json'

The --bucket-name flag specifies the name of the Edge Storage bucket that includes the object you want to describe.

The --object-key flag specifies the key (name) of the object in the bucket that you want to describe.

The -h or --help option displays more detailed information about the azion describe edge-storage object command.

The --format option allows you to specify the format in which the command output is displayed. For example, ‘json’.

The --out option lets you specify a path where the output of the command will be stored. For example, ‘./tmp/test.json’.