Azion CLI delete

With the azion delete [resource] command you can delete:

Terminal window
azion delete edge-application --application-id 1234

The --application-id flag is the unique identifier of the edge application.

The --cascade deletes all resources created through the ‘azion deploy’ command (default true).

The --help option displays more information about the azion delete edge-application command.

Terminal window
azion delete edge-function --function-id <function-id>

The --function-id flag is the unique identifier of the edge function.

The --help option displays more information about the azion delete edge-function command.

Terminal window
azion delete rules-engine --rule-id <rule-id> --application-id <application-id> --phase <phase>

The --rule-id flag specifies the unique identifier for the rule in Rules Engine.

The --application-id flag specifies the unique identifier for your edge application.

The --phase flag specifies the phase of your Rules Engine’s rule. It’s either request or response.

The -h or --help flag displays more information about the azion delete rules-engine command.

Terminal window
azion delete cache-setting --application-id 1673635839 --cache-settings-id 107313

The --application-id flag sets the unique identifier for the edge application.

The --cache-settings-id flag sets the unique identifier for a Cache Settings configuration.

The --help option displays more information about the azion delete cache-setting command.

Removes a domain from the domains library based on a given ID.

Terminal window
azion delete domain --domain-id 1234

The --domain-id flag specifies the unique identifier of the domain that you want to delete.

The -h or --help option displays more information about the azion delete domain command.

Terminal window
azion delete domain --domain-id 1234

Terminal window
azion delete origin --application-id <application-id> --origin-key <origin-key>

The --application-id flag sets the unique identifier for an edge application. It’s a required field.

The --origin-key flag sets the unique identifier for an origin. It’s a required field.

The -h or --help option displays more information about the azion delete origin action.

Terminal window
azion delete variables --variable-id 7a187044-4a00-4a4a-93ed-d230900423221f3

The --variable-id flag provides the UUID for the environment variable being deleted.

The --help option displays more information about the delete command.

Terminal window
azion delete personal-token --id xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx

The --id option informs the unique identifier of the personal token being deleted.

The --help option displays more information about the delete subcommand.

Terminal window
azion delete edge-storage bucket --name 'bucket-name'
azion delete edge-storage bucket --help

The --bucket-name flag specifies the name of the Edge Storage bucket you want to delete.

The -h or --help option displays more information about the azion delete edge-storage bucket command.

Terminal window
azion delete edge-storage object --bucket-name 'bucket-name'
azion delete edge-storage object --help

The --bucket-name flag specifies the name of the Edge Storage bucket where the object you want to delete is stored.

The --object-key flag specifies the key of the object in the Edge Storage bucket that you want to delete.

The -h or --help option displays more information about the azion delete edge-storage object command.