Azion CLI logs

Watch your edge functions logs and edge application’s HTTP events logs through Azion CLI.

The azion logs cells subcommand displays edge functions console logs.

Terminal window
azion logs cells [flags]
Terminal window
azion logs cells
azion logs cells --tail
azion logs cells --function-id 1234 --limit 10

The --function-id flag specifies the ID of the function you wish to see the logs for. If not informed, logs for all functions will be displayed.

The --help option displays more information about the azion logs cells command.

The --limit option defines how many logs will be displayed per request. By default, it’s 100.

The --pretty option displays the logs in a prettified way, making it easier to read and analyze.

The --tail option displays the logs continuously, similar to the tail -f command in Unix-like operating systems. This is useful for monitoring logs in real time.

The azion logs http subcommand displays HTTP event logs.

Terminal window
azion logs http
azion logs http --tail

The --help option displays more information about the logs http command.

The --limit option defines how many logs will be displayed per request. By default, it’s 100.

The --pretty option displays the logs in a prettified view, making it easier to read and analyze.

The --tail option displays the logs continuously, similar to the tail -f command in Unix-like operating systems. This is useful for monitoring logs in real-time.