Azion CLI global options

Azion CLI commands that can be run anywhere in the process.

Terminal window
azion --version

The -v or --version option informs which Azion version you’ve currently installed.

Terminal window
azion --debug

The -d or --debug option displays logs at a debug level.

The -c or --config option sets the Azion configuration folder for the current command only, without changing persistent settings.

Standard config file, created by Azion:

Token = 'token'
UUID = ''
LastCheck = 2024-02-23T11:44:14-03:00
LastVulcanVersion = "x.y.z\n"
AuthorizeMetricsCollection = 1 // 0 - not answered, 1 - Yes, 2 - No
ClientId = 'xxx'
Email = ''

New config file created by the user:

Token = 'token'
UUID = '' //uuid of the token
LastCheck = 2024-02-23T11:44:14-03:00
LastVulcanVersion = "x.y.z\n"
AuthorizeMetricsCollection = 1 // 0 - not answered, 1 - Yes, 2 - No
ClientId = 'xxx'
Email = ''


Terminal window
azion --config ./new-config-file.toml
Terminal window
azion --log-level info

The -l or --log-level option informs the level of log to be output. The options are:

  • info (default)
  • error
  • debug
Terminal window
azion --silent

The -s or --silent option silences logs completely. Usually, it’s used for automation purposes.

Terminal window
azion --token your-personal-token

The -t or --token option saves a given personal token locally to authorize CLI commands.

Terminal window
azion --yes

The -y or --yes option answers all yes/no interactions automatically with yes.

The h or --help option displays more information about the azion command.