Edge Functions Code Editor

The new code editor for Edge Functions is the best way to get started developing your edge functions on the Azion platform. It’s a web-based code editor that makes it easier and more intuitive to develop at the edge of the network. It’s empowered by the Monaco Code Editor, used in VS Code, so if you’re used to VS Code, you’ll get familiar with it right away. The Monaco Code Editor main features available for the Edge Functions Code Editor are:

  • Syntax Highlighting
  • IntelliSense
  • Debugging

About the Code Editor

The new code editor for Edge Functions is prepared to support all types and web APIs.

Code Preview

Along with the code editor, it’s possible to see the preview of the function being developed, so you can see its outcome on the fly, providing more reliability before the code goes to production.

To know more about the preview, go to Azion Preview Deployment.

ChatGPT and Edge Functions

Another feature that comes in the package is an integration with ChatGPT, which broadens the horizon of possibilities and can boost developers productivity. It provides a set of options that come in handy, such as:

  • Debugging
  • Code refactor
  • Code explanation
  • Code generator

Take a look at Edge Functions ChatGPT integration.


Here’s a real-life implementation of the Edge Functions ChatGPT integration:

How to build an API with Edge Functions and ChatGPTSee how to build an API and have its responses returned in JSON, with the help of ChatGPT

Watch a video about the Edge Functions Code Editor on Azion’s YouTube channel:
