Frameworks compatibility


Vulcan is the framework adapter built to run on Azion Runtime. It’s an evolving project aimed at supporting various JavaScript frameworks. The project is open source and encourages community contributions.

Azion provides different ways to get started and work with web frameworks:

Compute x Deliver

Azion employs the terminology compute and deliver to describe the operational modes of applications within its framework:

ComputeDesigned for applications that require computational processing at the edge, whether it’s for Front-End Server-Side Rendering (SSR) or Back-End tasks. In Compute Mode, Azion enables the execution of code and processing of dynamic content at the edge to enhance performance and responsiveness.
Deliver (static)Tailored for frameworks that primarily focus on handling and routing incoming requests at the edge, with an emphasis on efficiently serving static files. While applications in Deliver Mode don’t execute dynamic code, they excel in optimizing the delivery of static content to end-users, thereby ensuring smooth and fast content distribution.



Go to Azion and Next.js compatibility docs Go to a compute mode project example


Angular is an open-source web framework designed with an emphasis on speed and suitability for websites that contain substantial content.

Learn more about Angular.



Astro offers a modern and user-friendly method for creating websites. It blends established performance principles from decades of web development with the convenience of component-based development trends. You can use your preferred JavaScript framework and, by default, Astro ensures that only the essential JavaScript is sent to the user.



Hexo is listed on the Jamstack documentation as a static site generator, aligned to the Jamstack approach.

Learn more about Hexo.



React is listed on the Jamstack documentation as a static site generator, aligned to the Jamstack approach.

Learn more about React.



Vite is listed on the Jamstack documentation as a static site generator, aligned to the Jamstack approach.

Learn more about Vite.



Vue.js is a user-friendly, versatile, and approachable JavaScript framework for building web applications and user interfaces. Its progressive nature, reactivity system, component-based architecture, and thriving community make it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced developers in the world of front-end web development.

Learn more about Vue.



Gatsby is a modern site generator for React that allows for optimized performance, data prefetching, asset optimization, and CSS-in-JS. It’s a popular choice for developers building static sites and web applications.

Learn more about Gatsby.



Svelte is a free and open-source component-based front-end software framework which allows for the creation of applications with a very small size once compiled.

Learn more about Svelte.


Eleventy is a simple static site generator, which allows you to write using your favorite template language. It’s highly flexible and doesn’t dictate how you should structure your project. It’s a popular choice for developers who want full control over their project structure and workflow.

Learn more about Eleventy.

Other available presets

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • C++ (Emscripten)
  • Rust

Watch a video about the compatibility between Azion and web frameworks through Vulcan on Azion’s YouTube channel:
