How to install the Hello World integration through Azion Marketplace

The Hello World function is a simple program often used to introduce beginners to a new programming language or development environment. As a result, the message Hello, world! is usually displayed on the screen or console.

The Hello World is a simple and easy-to-understand example to show the basic syntax and structure of some programming languages. The specific implementation of a “Hello World” function or program will differ depending on the programming language and/or framework used.

Azion’s Hello World is a serverless integration available at Azion Marketplace. It’ll be used to show how the edge technology works, by displaying a message, Hello World, on your browser using an edge application.

How to install the Hello World the integration

To use the Hello World integration provided by Azion Marketplace, you have to:

  1. Access Azion Console > Marketplace.
  2. On the Marketplace homepage, select the integration’s card.
    • You can search any integration by browsing through the cards or typing a keyword in the search bar.
  3. Once the integrationis page opens, click the Get It Now button, at the bottom-right corner of the page. This starts the process to install a new integration on one of your edge applications.

Once you click the Get It Now button, you’ll see the screen to start the installation journey.

To install the integration, follow the steps:

  1. On the Select an Edge Application screen, select the Edge Application dropdown menu. It’ll show a list with all your edge applications.
  2. Select the one you want to install the Hello World integration in.
  3. Next, you’ll fill the Args needed to instantiate the Hello World integration.
    • For this integration we have two Args: Status and Body.
    • On the Status field, you have to pass the HTTP status code. For example, the default value is 200, which indicates that the request was successful.
    • For the body field, you can pass any string you want. This is the text that will be shown on the screen once your edge application is ready. The default value is It works.
  4. Finally, you’ll have to give permissions to the Marketplace to access and modify your edge application.
    • Every integration will have different permissions needs.
    • The Hello World integration needs permission to read and write on your edge application’s Main Settings, Functions, and Rules Engine.
  5. With the installation process finished, the screen will close and you’ll see the green box on the top of the integration’s homepage with the message Your solution was successfully installed. Check the Overview and Usage Information sections for more details, followed by a yellow box with the message This solution was installed within a new disabled rule in your edge application. On your edge application management, under the Rules Engine tab, you may enable it.
    • The green box indicates that the integration was successfully installed and you can find more information about the integration and the next steps on these two sections of the integration’s homepage.
    • The yellow box indicates that you need to: access your edge application’s Main Settings > select the Rules Engine tab > enable the generated rule. You have to perform these actions to put the new Hello World integration on the edge on a different path of the main application.

Done. You just have to wait until the integration’s configuration propagates through Azion’s edge nodes.
