How to deploy the Azion Starter Kit

Azion Starter Kit is ideal for taking your first steps within Azion Edge Platform. With this template, you can accelerate the creation of a basic edge stack to explore the platform and its features.

This template includes:

  • The deployment of a new edge application, with common caching rules for images and dynamic and static files.
  • Azion Image Processor features to manipulate and process images directly at the edge.
  • The creation of a new edge firewall with rules to execute an edge function instance for Bot Manager and deny requests from the pre-built Azion IP Tor Exit Nodes network list.


To use this template, you must:

  • Enable the Edge Functions, Application Accelerator, Image Processor, and Network Layer Protection modules in your account.
    • To do so, go to the Billing & Subscriptions section and activate the switches.
    • If these modules aren’t activated, the execution will fail and a log explaining the reason will be printed.
    • If these modules are activated, executing this template could generate usage-related costs. Check the pricing page for more information.
  • Launch the latest version of the Bot Manager integration.
    • Go to Azion Marketplace to install this integration by clicking the Install button. Check the How to install Azion Bot Manager guide for more details.
    • If you didn’t launch the Bot Manager function before trying to use this template, the execution will fail and a log explaining the reason will be printed.

Getting the template

To start using the Azion Starter Kit:

  1. Access Console.
  2. Click the + Create button on the homepage.
  3. In the modal, select the Templates option.
  4. Browse and select the Azion Starter Kit card.

Setting up the template

In the configuration form, you must provide the information to configure your application. Fill in the presented fields.

Fields identified with an asterisk are mandatory.

  • Application Name *: the name of your new edge application, domain, and edge firewall on Azion.
  • Origin Address *: the address of the hosted origin the edge application should fetch the content from.
    • Example:
  • Custom Host Header: in some cases, it may be necessary to add host information in the header request to retrieve information from the origin. This variable is used for that purpose.
    • Example: ${host}. Read more about the host header and how to customize it on the Origins documentation.

After completing all the information, click the Deploy button, located in the bottom-right corner. This will start the deployment process.

During the deployment, you’ll be able to follow the process through a window showing off the logs. When it’s complete, the page shows information about the application and some options to continue your journey.

Now you can manage and adjust the settings through Azion Console.

Key configrations

The edge application includes the following rules and settings:

  • A default rule composed of:
    • Criteria: if ${uri} starts with /.
    • Behavior: then Set Origin as Default Origin.
    • For image optimization and caching, the file extensions that can be enhanced with these configurations are .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .ico, .gif, .png.
    • For static content, the template supports the common static file extensions.
  • The template:
    • Respects the origin’s cache settings (or uses a default TTL for cache).
    • Provides rules that alter caching settings for static files based on the file extension of the requested content to improve the delivery.

Additionally, the edge firewall enhances security through the Azion IP Tor Exit Nodes network list and Azion Bot Manager.

The function instance for Bot Manager has the following JSON Args:

"threshold": 10,
"action": "allow",
"internal_logs": 2


  • threshold: the maximum score the request can reach before the function takes an action. If it has no value, the function won’t take action. Default value: 10.
  • action: the action to be taken by the function whenever the request’s score is greater than or equal to the defined threshold. Possible values: allow, custom_html, deny, drop, hold_connection, random_delay, and redirect. Default value: allow.
  • internal_logs: every execution of the Bot Manager writes report logs, no matter the score of the request.

The logs can be checked in Real-Time Events. By analyzing the logs generated by Bot Manager, you can get insights to understand if any changes in the function instance’s JSON Args are needed. You can also use Azion Data Stream as an observability tool. Read more on How to observe logs and calibrate rules.

Managing the template

Considering that this initial setup may not be optimal for your specific edge application, all settings can be customized any time you need through Azion Console.

To manage and edit your edge application’s settings, proceed as follows:

  1. Access Azion Console > Edge Application.
  • You’ll be redirected to the Edge Application page. It lists all the edge applications you’ve created.
  1. Select the edge application related to this template.
  • The list is organized alphabetically. You can also use the search bar located in the upper-left corner of the list; currently, it filters only by Application Name.

After selecting the edge application you’ll work on, you’ll be directed to a page containing all the settings you can configure.

Adding a custom domain

The edge application created during the deployment has an assigned Azion domain to make it accessible through the browser. The domain has the following format: However, you can add a custom domain for users to access your edge application through it.

Go to configuring a domain guide
