Real-Time Events first steps

Before using Real-Time Events, make sure you have a Azion Console account. You can find more information on creating one on the documentation page.

To activate Real-Time Events on your account:

  1. Log in to Azion Console.
  2. On the upper-right corner, select the Account menu, represented by an avatar.
  3. Select Billing & Subscriptions.
  4. Select the Subscriptions tab.
  5. On the Edge Analytics section, make sure the Real-Time Events switch is enabled.

To access Real-Time Events, proceed as follows:

  1. Access Azion Console.
  2. On the upper-left corner, select the Products menu, represented by three horizontal lines.
  3. Under the OBSERVE section, select Real-Time Events.

You’ll see the following fields:

  • Data Sources
  • Time Filter
  • Filter by
  • Refresh
