Creating an Edge Service

To create an edge service, proceed as follows:

  1. Access Azion Console > Edge Services.
  2. Click on the + Service button.
  3. Give a name for your service.
  4. Define the variables, if necessary.
    • The variables must be in the format Variable = Value.
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Go to the Resources tab.
  7. Click the + Resource button.
  8. Provide the path where the resource will be saved on the edge node.
  9. Select the type of resource: Text or Shell Script.
  10. In case of selecting Shell Script, configure the resources you need for your service, using the triggers: Install, Reload, and Uninstall.
  11. Add the content of the resource.
  12. Click the Save button.

Done. Now your service can use one or more edge nodes.
