Creating an Edge Service

To create an edge service, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to Azion Console.
  2. On the top-left corner, select the Products menu, represented by three horizontal lines, and then Edge Libraries > Edge Services.
  3. Click on the Add Service button.

Your service will be created automatically. You can change the name of the service by clicking on My New Service in the name bar.

  1. Go to the Resources tab and click Add Resource.
  2. Configure the resources you need for your service, using the triggers: “Install”, “Reload”, and “Uninstall”.
  3. Optional: where you’ve used variables in the content of one or more resources, you can set the default values for them in the Environment tab.

The variables must be in the format Variable = Value, where Variable has been used in the content of resources that are already registered.

  1. Activate the service and click on the Save button.

Done. Now your service can use one or more edge nodes.
