Edge Functions for Edge Firewall

Edge Functions are functions that run on the Azion Edge Computing Platform with low latency, bringing the operational power closer to the end user.

Edge Firewall supports edge functions. Through them you can write your own security source code in JavaScript and deploy it to run at the edge of the network.

With edge functions on Edge Firewall, you can:

  • Boost your protection.
  • Have more dynamism.
  • Apply the logic that your business requires.
  • Use APIs that provide request and response headers manipulation.

Edge function for Edge FirewallHow to create and configure an edge function on your Edge Firewall
Code samplesGitHub repository

How Edge Functions work with Edge Firewall

Section titled How Edge Functions work with Edge Firewall
  • The rules configured on the Edge Firewall Rules Engine for the function to run are triggered.
  • Azion Edge Runtime processes the function, returning an outcome.
  • Edge Firewall Rules Engine resumes the processing, based on the outcome, from the point the behavior was triggered.

You can add new headers to the request that is sent to the origin.

addEventListener("firewall", (event) => {
event.addRequestHeader("X-Custom-Header-1", "1");
event.addRequestHeader("X-Custom-Header-2", "2");

You can add new headers to the response that is sent to users.

addEventListener("firewall", (event) => {
event.addResponseHeader("X-Custom-Header-3", "3");
event.addResponseHeader("X-Custom-Header-4", "4");

Through the event event.deny(), you can finish a request returning HTTP 403 Forbidden.

addEventListener("firewall", (event) => {

Through the event event.drop() you are able to finish the request without returning an answer to the client.

addEventListener("firewall", (event) => {

Through the event event.respondWith() you can intercept requests, return custom responses, and modify the response headers or content.

event.respondWith(new Response('{"my_custom_response": true}', {
status: 599,
headers: { "content-type": "application/json" }

The Edge Functions on Edge Firewall have a set of metadata available for manipulation.

By using this metadata you’re able to filter and manage the access to your application and apply the specific logic in different scenarios, such as:

You can deny access to your application when the request comes from certain places.

Find out more about the GeoIP metadata list.

You’re able to check the IP address and the TCP port used.

Find out more about the Remote metadata list.

You’re able to check the protocol being used in the request.

Find out more about the Server metadata list.

The TLS-related metadata is available when the request is made over a secure TLS connection.

Find out more about the TLS metadata list.

Check the Azion Samples repository on GitHub and analyze the code samples that can help you develop your own edge functions.

When working with conditionals and event.method, use if else. In case the implementation is similar to:

if (someCondition){

It may end up with unexpected behaviors.

It’s highly recommended to use as follows:

if (someCondition){

Since the eventHandler is sync, it’s necessary to write an async function when await is implemented.

It’s recommended to use event.waitUntil, otherwise the promise may end up in unexpected exceptions.

async function firewallHandler(event) {
// any async operation here like fetch, timeout etc.
addEventListener("firewall", (event) => event.waitUntil(firewallHandler(event)));
