How to generate orchestrator credentials

To install Edge Orchestrator Agent and start orchestrating, you must create your credentials before. You can do so through:

  1. Access Azion Console.
  2. On the top-right corner, open the Account menu and select Credentials.
  3. Click the + Credential button.
  4. Give your credential an easy-to-remember name.
  5. As an optional step, describe how or by whom the credential will be used in the Description field.
  • Example: Credential used for Edge Nodes registration.
  1. Click the Save button.

A token will be generated after the credential is saved.

When clicking on the created credential on the Credentials page, you can:

  • Copy the generated token.
  • Delete your credential.
  • Edit your credential. You can update your credential’s name, description, and status (active/inactive).
